When you get to seventy, you are not so active as you were at fifty.
在你七十岁时, 你不可能有你五十岁时那样的活力.
来源:互联网摘选Office: As you were. I have your discharge papers Service is up, son.
军官: 这是你的退伍文件. 你退役了, 小子.
来源:互联网摘选What was going through your mind as you were going through that negativity?
来源:互联网摘选Please go overthe other side the room. No-sorry, as you were-please go back.
请走到房间的另一边去, 不 - 对不起, 原地不动 - 请走回去.
来源:互联网摘选Were you able to think as you were going through that negativity?
当被这些消极情绪占据的时候,你是否还能正常地思考 呢 ?
来源:互联网摘选I scolded you as you were dressing for school because you gave your face aa towel.
来源:互联网摘选As strong as you were, tender you go. I'm watching you breathing for the last time.
虽然你很坚强, 但你会变得脆弱. 我看到了你的最后一次呼吸.
来源:互联网摘选You must live with the fact that you are no longer as strong as you were.
来源:词典精选例句Please go over to the other side of the room. No — sorry, as you were — please go back.
请走到房间的另一边去, 不——对不起, 原地不动——请走回去.
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